Check out all of our upcoming and ongoing events right here on our calendar page!
Keto Community Potluck @ Unity Center of Cedar Rapids, IA
Jan 20 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm


Join us for this wonderful opportunity to learn about ketogenic nutrition and engage in a local community of individuals that choose a ketogenic lifestyle. Not only will you discover new recipes and ways to modify everyday foods for keto, you will be able to share your own story while exchanging strategies for success in maintaining ketosis.

All foods must be accompanied by a printed recipe so people can check for allergens.

Keto Living Clinic @ Awaken Vitality Holistic Healing
Jan 27 @ 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Keto Living Clinic @ Awaken Vitality Holistic Healing | Marion | Iowa | United States

With the New Year comes a lot of new goals and new ideas… and that is exactly what this clinic will be about. This classroom setting is specifically for those people looking for ways they can discover their ideal health through implementation of a ketogenic lifestyle. Many symptoms of illness can be warded off by making different, conscious nutritional choices that allow the body to heal from the inside out. If you have tried several other approaches to health and weight loss, and felt the guilt of failure… please attend this keto living clinic.

Join Mary and Joshua Haun as they share their story of transformation and healing, then work with them to highlight areas of opportunity in your own health journey. As students of nutrition and individuals actively applying the tactics they present, Mary and Josh are ecstatic and passionate about helping others experience the same freedoms that they have had over the last couple years.

The cost is $50, but with that you will gain practical knowledge and a firm foundation of how you can either begin your Ketogenic Lifestyle or enhance what you are already doing.

Mary and Josh will present material that highlights why what we know, isn’t necessarily good for us… and why we can’t trust “common knowledge.” They will discuss how they live a ketogenic lifestyle and cover in detail what they do to stay in ketosis. Ultimately, participants are asked to bring their own questions and concerns regarding their fears, frustrations or just pure curiosity so that this can be a more practical presentation where immediate and applicable suggestions are offered as takeaways.

Learn why “keeping up with the Joneses” is the worst ambition for anyone seeking health… and more importantly, learn sustainable tactics that help people make progress, not pain.

Keto Community Potluck @ Unity Center of Cedar Rapids, IA
Feb 17 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Join with people who are keto curious and keto committed by sharing food and recipes. Not only will you find more like-minded individuals, but together we will debunk fears and myths associated with a ketogenic lifestyle.

Put on your creative hats and bring your favorite KETO bacon dish… bacon bowls, bacon main dishes, bacon side dishes, bacon desserts… anything with bacon!

All foods must be accompanied by a printed recipe so people can check for allergens.

Keto Community Potluck @ Unity Center of Cedar Rapids, IA
Mar 17 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm


Join us for this wonderful opportunity to learn about ketogenic nutrition and engage in a local community of individuals that choose a ketogenic lifestyle. Not only will you discover new recipes and ways to modify everyday foods for keto, you will be able to share your own story while exchanging strategies for success in maintaining ketosis.

All foods must be accompanied by a printed recipe so people can check for allergens.

Keto Community Potluck @ Unity Center of Cedar Rapids, IA
Apr 21 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm


Join us for this wonderful opportunity to learn about ketogenic nutrition and engage in a local community of individuals that choose a ketogenic lifestyle. Not only will you discover new recipes and ways to modify everyday foods for keto, you will be able to share your own story while exchanging strategies for success in maintaining ketosis.

All foods must be accompanied by a printed recipe so people can check for allergens.

Keto Community Potluck @ Unity Center of Cedar Rapids, IA
May 19 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm


Join us for this wonderful opportunity to learn about ketogenic nutrition and engage in a local community of individuals that choose a ketogenic lifestyle. Not only will you discover new recipes and ways to modify everyday foods for keto, you will be able to share your own story while exchanging strategies for success in maintaining ketosis.

All foods must be accompanied by a printed recipe so people can check for allergens.

Keto Community Potluck @ Unity Center of Cedar Rapids, IA
Jun 16 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm


Join us for this wonderful opportunity to learn about ketogenic nutrition and engage in a local community of individuals that choose a ketogenic lifestyle. Not only will you discover new recipes and ways to modify everyday foods for keto, you will be able to share your own story while exchanging strategies for success in maintaining ketosis.

All foods must be accompanied by a printed recipe so people can check for allergens.

Keto Community Potluck @ Unity Center of Cedar Rapids, IA
Jul 21 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm


Join us for this wonderful opportunity to learn about ketogenic nutrition and engage in a local community of individuals that choose a ketogenic lifestyle. Not only will you discover new recipes and ways to modify everyday foods for keto, you will be able to share your own story while exchanging strategies for success in maintaining ketosis.

All foods must be accompanied by a printed recipe so people can check for allergens.

Keto Community Potluck @ Unity Center of Cedar Rapids, IA
Aug 18 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm


Join us for this wonderful opportunity to learn about ketogenic nutrition and engage in a local community of individuals that choose a ketogenic lifestyle. Not only will you discover new recipes and ways to modify everyday foods for keto, you will be able to share your own story while exchanging strategies for success in maintaining ketosis.

All foods must be accompanied by a printed recipe so people can check for allergens.

Keto Community Potluck @ Unity Center of Cedar Rapids, IA
Sep 15 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm


Join us for this wonderful opportunity to learn about ketogenic nutrition and engage in a local community of individuals that choose a ketogenic lifestyle. Not only will you discover new recipes and ways to modify everyday foods for keto, you will be able to share your own story while exchanging strategies for success in maintaining ketosis.

All foods must be accompanied by a printed recipe so people can check for allergens.